Kays shared the story in a TikTok video: she was five. Towards the end of the music video, there are some really fast time lapse shots of Sara being driven in a car down a variety of roads, through day and night.with various scenes in the background, including the street lights, zoom in shots whilst sitting on a tree and also a variety of close up shots of her smiling with the sunset able to be seen in the background. by Jason Scott 2 years ago Sara Kays wasn’t necessarily looking for closure when she wrote Remember That Night, a guitar-pinned pop track with a thumping undercurrent. Remember That Night finds the 22-year-old reminiscing about an old romance, where she tells the story of moving on from a difficult breakup. Remember that night Oh, I was doing fine You said, 'Remember that night' The day after you had reached out I was broken for the second time around I prayed on the third day that I would be okay That I'd forget you were ever mine Oh, I don't think you realize How long I had to fight to be living my life To get better and never have to try Not. She says that she felt 'broken for the second time around' which might explain why she's hoping that she can get over her emotions, as maybe she already gave this individual a chance and they stopped communications with her the first time round. I feel this way literally every break up that I was really into and I think that will never change I still feel this way.

She goes on to explain that a day after somebody reaching out and 2 days after somebody reached out made her pray that on the 3rd time she's be okay, explaining 'how long I had to fight to be living my life', almost trying to say that she tried to shut out this individual so that she could focus on her own life, and now that they're back, it's almost like she's feeling lost or broken again.